News & Media

Read up on what's happening at WS Pianos
Pinocchio – Musical Comedy

Pinocchio – Musical Comedy

Type: Press Release Release date: 1 June 2024 Director: Machiel Roets Theatre: Pierneef Teater Production name: Pinocchio Persverklaring: Machiel Roets, die bekende komponis, liriekskrywer, en musiekregisseur van "Liefling die blyspel," "Aspoestertjie," en...

Buying a piano is an investment

Buying a piano is an investment

Publication: Blog Published: June 2019 By: Naomi Stolze Piano tuning is the art of making minute adjustments The well-established and reputable WS Pianos should be your first port of call for any piano repairs, sales, tuning, restoration, transport, evaluations, and...

Adoption, Autism & everything in between

Adoption, Autism & everything in between

Publication: Blog Published: May 2019 By: Chanel Serfontein Emma was our child Family has played a major role in the creation and history of WS Pianos and has always been a focal point in terms of how owners Werner and Naomi live their lives. Therefore, it came as no...

It was Beautiful

It was Beautiful

Publikasie: GetIt Uitgawe: December 2017 Deur:  WS Pianos The earlier part of October 1987 Spring was everywhere… in the air, in the birds, even in my father’s step. It was a time of new beginnings. Mother Earth was awakening after a long winter rest. She took out her...

Master Piano Builder

Master Piano Builder

Publication: The South African Music Teacher 2015 – 2016 Issue 150 Bladsy:82 & 83 By Stef Schuurman 11/01/1941 - 27/11/2013 "A piano builder begins to learn his trade from the bottom up - not from the pedals of a piano but by sweeping and cleaning the floors in a...

About Children & Pianos

About Children & Pianos

Werner Stolze is the fourth generation of the Stolzes who builds pianos, but it is not only his profession that is interesting. He and his wife experienced their own miracle.
It’s a nice spring day when I visit the Stolze family in Pretoria.

Our passion for pianos has been around for decades

Our passion for pianos has been around for decades

Publication: Get-It Magazine Published: August 2016 By: Stef Schuurman “Our passion for pianos has been around for decades" “Our passion for pianos has been around for decades… My ancestors were and I am still proud of our outstanding workmanship, assuring you, the...

Werner Stolze – Die Klavier Meester

Werner Stolze – Die Klavier Meester

Publikasie: Rekord Koerant Uitgawe: 22 Julie 2016 Bladsy: 5 By: Stef Schuurman Werner Stolze – Die Klavier Meester My passie vir klaviere is al vir dekades lank in die rondte… Ek neem groot trots in my vakmanskap en sorg dat al my kliente verseker is daarvan dat hul...

The Ring Bearer

The Ring Bearer

Publikasie: The Ring Bearer Deur: Mart-Marie Snyman When I work with artists from Europe, they always have the same question. Where are all the wild animals? Well, they are everywhere. And they come at you when you least expect. In South Africa we call this “the...

The Piano Whisper

Publikasie: GetIt Magazine Uitgawe: June 2014 Bladsy: 36 Werner Stolze comes from a long line of piano lovers. His great-grandfather, Mt Hutzelmann, started his piano factory in Germany in the 1910s in Eisenberg and was the only piano factory after World War 2 to...

Eulogy for Wilfried Stolze

Eulogy for Wilfried Stolze

I have to say, this will probably be the hardest speech I will ever give. I just want to thank everyone on behalf of my family for being here to mourn my Father’s passing and celebrate his life. If I only had 5 minutes the day you passed away. I would have had time to...

Pianos aus Eisenberg in 3. Generation

Pianos aus Eisenberg in 3. Generation

Publication: Magazine Published: February 1999 By: Unknown Klavierbaufirma Hutzelmann begeht 1999 ihr 80. Gründungsjubiläum Eisenberg (OTZ/teran). Die alteingesessene Klavierbaufirma Hutzelmann in Eisenberg kann im nächsten Jahr auf ihr 80. Betrirbsjubiläum...

Wilfried Stolze Klavierstemmer

Wilfried Stolze Klavierstemmer

Publikasie:TRUK PACT INFO 14 Uitgawe: Februarie, Maart, April 1995 Bladsy: 34 Wilfried Stolze Klavierstemmer by TRUK Teatergangers is nie altyd bewus van die woelige gewarskaf wat ‘n musiek konser voorafgaan agter die skerms nie. Een van die belangrikste take is die...

Klavierstem vir hom maklik

Klavierstem vir hom maklik

Publikasie:Verwoerdburg News Uitgawe: Friday February 25, 1994 Bladsy: 25 HY is een van die laaste beoefenaars van ‘n ambag wat besig is om te verdwyn. Sy werk word sò hoog aangeslaan dat pres Banda van Malawi hom spesiaal uit Suid-Afrika laat kom het om ‘n...

Hy weet álles van klaviere

Hy weet álles van klaviere

Publication: News Paper Published: June 1992 By: Unknown ,,Hy weet álles van klaviere” Hy kan nie ‘n noot musiek lees nie. Boonop kan hy nie ‘n noot op die klavier speel nie. Tog is mnr. Wilfried Stolze een van die bekendste klavierbouers in die land. Volgens mnr....

Stolze Piano & Klaviere

Stolze Piano & Klaviere

Published: 17 Jan 1991 Stolze Pianos verkoop nuwe asook gebruikte klaviere, vleuelklaviere en ander kleiner musiekinstrumente soos viole, fluite, balalaikas en tipiese boerekonsertinas wat in Oos-Duitsland gemaak is. Herstelwerk aan klaviere is egter sy forté. Hier is...

Van klaviere kan u hom niks vertel

Van klaviere kan u hom niks vertel

Publikasie: Bylae tot Transvaler Topbesighede Uitgawe: 29 Augustus 1990 Bladsy: X111 Mense wat dit oorweeg om ‘n klavier te koop, hetsy nuut of gebruik, moet dit asseblief nie doen voordat hulle ‘n lekker lang gesprek met mnr Wilfried Stolze, eienaar van Stolze Pianos...

Ongelooflik, sê SA se vlugteling

Ongelooflik, sê SA se vlugteling

Publikasie: Beeld Uitgawe: Saterdag, 11 November 1989 By: Dana Snyman Hy het al 2 keer gevlug MNR. WILFRIED STOLZE van Pretoria was gisteroggend besig om vir hom badwater te laat inloop toe hy hoor die grens tussen Oos- en Wes-Duitsland is oopgestel. “Dit was alles...

Young and old find city music

Young and old find city music

Publikasie: The Pretoria News Uitgawe: Tuesday August 29   1989 By: Staff Reporter FORGET about Paris, Venice, and Vienna when it comes to pavement entertainment – Pretoria can stand on its own. In what is claimed to be a first for the city, lunch-timers at the Sanlam...

 Werk is liefdestaak

 Werk is liefdestaak

Publikasie: Beeld
Deur: Andriette Stofberg

‘n KLAVIERBOUER begin sy ambag van onder af leer – nie by die pedale nie, maar by die vee en skrop van vloere in ‘n klavierfabriek, sê mnr. Wilfried Stolze (47), een van Suid-Afrika se klein proepie opgeleide klavierbouers.

Old trash’ piano a collectors item

Old trash’ piano a collectors item

Publikasie: Pretoria News Uitgawe: Tuesday, May 18, 1986 By: Chris Marais I was discovered in a ramshackle Johannesburg garage 15 years ago, with mice gnawing away at my innards and dirt lying thick on my keyboards. The man’s eyes sadden said “Old trash. Ready for the...

Wild West

Wild West

Publikasie: Pretoria News Uitgawe: Wednesday, May 7, 1986 By: Richard Nezar

 Wanklanke oor klavierstemmers

 Wanklanke oor klavierstemmers

Publikasie:Pretoria Pos Uitgawe: Oktober 1984 Bladsy: 6 “Mense word gruwelik mislei deur klavierstemmers en herbouers”. Sò sterk spreek mnr. Wilfried Stolze hom uit oor die onreg in die klavierbedryf. Mnr Stolze is die eienaar van een van Pretoria se bekendste...

Beware all you budding concert pianists

Beware all you budding concert pianists

Publikasie:Pretoria News Uitgawe: Monday July 30 1984 By: Estelle Viljoen A SPIRING Beethovens must have their feet on the ground when buying a second hand piano, or they could be taken in, a Pretoria piano expert has warned. Cheating in the piano business was getting...

Talle eienaars van Klaviere sò gruwelik mislei

Talle eienaars van Klaviere sò gruwelik mislei

Publikasie: VIVA Uitgawe: 21 September 1983 Mense word gruwelik mislei deur klavierstemmers en herbouers”. Só sterk spreek mnr. Wilfried Stolze hom uit oor die onreg in die klavierbedryf. Mnr Stolze is die eienaar van een van Pretoria se bekendste musiekwinkels. Ons...

Wanklanke oor klavierstemmers 11 Mei 1979

Wanklanke oor klavierstemmers 11 Mei 1979

Publikasie: Oostelike Stem Bladsy: 8 By: Vasti Grové "Wanklanke oor klavierstemmers” "Mense word gruwelik mislei deur klavierstemmers en herbouers”.  Só sterk spreek mnr. Wilfried Stolze hom uit oor die onreg in die klavier bedryf.  Mnr. Stolze is die eienaar van een...

You have to pull strings to own a guitar like this one!

You have to pull strings to own a guitar like this one!

Written by: Jeremy Thorpe Published: Pretoria News Edition: Tuesday August 23 1977 “You have to pull strings to own a guitar like this one!” PRETORIA music shop owner Mr Wilfied Stolze has for sale one of the most unique – and expensive – acoustic guitars in the...

Escaping to the West became a habit

Escaping to the West became a habit

Uitgawe: Monday 28 February 1977 By: Wayfarer Wilfried Stolze laughs at East Germany’s ruthless border guards. He has taken them on several times – and lives to tell the tale. Wilfried is a city piano maker. He was born in 1941 in Eisenberg, Thüringen, a small town in...

Antieke Instrument in nuwe voorkoms

Antieke Instrument in nuwe voorkoms

Uitgawe: Maart 1965 BACH-LIEFHEBBERS sal die nuus verwelkom dat ‘n sewentiende-eeuse klawer-bord-instrument, die cembalo, nou weer in Wes-Duitsland vervaardig word en reeds in Suid-Afrika beskikbaar is. Die pragtige instrument, wat die helfte so groot as ‘n kleinerige...